Fight Club
On Hold
FIght club is Coming
and it's better than ever. 5-Weeks. 50 participants. get ready to challenge yourself.

What is Fight Club 20.20?
This 5-week program is designed to take the best of all of our programs (Fight Club, Pro Fight Club, and Fight Games) and combine them to deliver a no holds barred intense, challenging competition focused on boxing.
Fight Club 20.20 will focus on everything you have come to know and love about Pan Am – ultra-intense workouts, multi-trainer private classes, boxing technique/boxing fundamentals focused, health and nutrition for life (not for the life of the program) and community spirit that you can only find at Pan Am.
Who Should Participate?
You. Plain and simple. There are no restrictions on who can and should do this program.

How does it work?
A handpicked experienced coaching team of 10 Pan Am Trainers will be your “coach”. All Contenders will have access to all 10 coaches who will guide you in strength & conditioning, nutrition, and weight loss advice, mental resilience, and attitude as well as give you the tough love you may need to get through the 5-week program.
As a FC participant, you will receive a weekly class schedule and a weekly workout requirement each week that will change as the program progresses and will include boxing, roadwork and strength programming. Private classes led by the best of our best are yours to attend as you choose, as your schedule permits. Each week will also offer guest appearances by trained specialists (nutritionists, yoga coaches, motivational experts) to provide you expert advice in key areas of health and fitness. Fight Club 20.20 will also offer special events and activities for the whole group but are not mandatory. This program is also designed to build a greater sense of community spirit while keeping the fundamentals at the forefront –boxing and fitness.
The coaches

Does this all sound a little too fun, friendly and watered down?
No way. Be prepared for the toughest 5 weeks of your life, for nonstop boxing AND for some great competitions that will keep the Fight Games edge alive and well... If you hated the “battles” of Fight Games but loved how you felt when the battle was behind you, then this program is for you. To be clear, there will be no Fight Games style battles in this competition.